Why the big push for nuclear power as “green”? « nuclear-news

Why the big push for nuclear power as “green”? « nuclear-news

Why the big push for nuclear power as “green”?

Why is it so difficult to recognize that – as is normal with technologies – nuclear energy is obsolete?

nuclear affections are a military romance. Powerful defense interests – with characteristic secrecy and highly active PR – are mostly driving the dogged persistence.


Heavy lobbying by France and a “military romance” provide some answers, write Andy Stirling and Phil Johnstone

Whatever one’s view of nuclear issues, an open mind is crucial. Massive vested interests and noisy media clamor require efforts to see a bigger picture. A case in point arises around the European Commission’s much criticized proposal – and the European Parliament’s strongly opposed decision – to last year accredit nuclear power as a ‘green’ energy source.

In a series of legal challenges, the European Commission and NGOs including Greenpeace are tussling over what kind and level of ‘sustainability’ nuclear power might be held to offer.

To understand how an earlier more skeptical EC position on nuclear was overturned, deeper questions are needed about a broader context. Recent moves in Brussels follow years of wrangling. Journalists reported intense lobbying – especially by the EU’s only nuclear-armed nation: France. At stake is whether inclusion of nuclear power in the controversial ‘green taxonomy’ will open the door to greater financial support for ‘sustainable’ nuclear power.

Notions of sustainability were (like climate concerns) pioneered in environmentalism long before being picked up in mainstream policy. And – even when its comparative disadvantages were less evident – ​​criticism of nuclear was always central to green activism. So, it might be understood why current efforts from outside environmentalism to rehabilitate nuclear as ‘sustainable’ are open to accusations of ‘greenwash’ and ‘doublespeak’.

In deciding such questions, the internationally-agreed ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ are a key guide. These address various issues associated with all energy options – including costs and wellbeing, health effects, accident risks, pollution and wastes, landscape impacts and disarmament issues. So, do such comparative pros and cons of nuclear power warrant classification alongside wind, solar and efficiency?

In some aspects, the picture is relatively open. All energy investments yield employment and development benefits, largely in proportion to funding. On all sides, simply counting jobs or cash flowing through favored options and forgetting alternatives leads to circular arguments. If (despite being highlighted in the Ukraine War), unique vulnerabilities of nuclear power to attack are set aside, then the otherwise largely ‘domestic’ nature of both nuclear and renewables can be claimed to be comparable.

But what of climate urgency? Does this not justify nuclear proponents’ calls to do everythingto keep the nuclear option open(as if this were an end in itself)? Again: deeper thought might expose this as special pleading. Precisely because climate action is so imperative, isn’t it more rational to prioritize whatever is most substantial, cost effective and rapid?

A more reasoned approach might ask about long-neglected kinds of statistical analysis, which show that national carbon emission reductions tend to associate less with nuclear than with renewable uptake. Key reasons here include that nuclear contributions to climate targets are smaller, slower and more expensive than are offered by renewables. So other evidence that nuclear and renewable energy strategies also tend to conflict further queries the ‘sustainable’ status of nuclear power.

What then of claimed needs for ‘baseload’ power – to manage variable outputs from some renewables? Surprisingly given its public profile, this notion is long abandoned by the electricity industry as “outdated. Nuclear power is itself inflexible in its own way. Myriad system innovations, grid improvements, demand measures and new storage technologies are all available to better address variable renewables over different timescales. Even in relatively pro-nuclear UK, it is authoritatively documented how a 100% renewable system outperforms any level of nuclear contribution. Even the UK Government now admits that adding these costs still leaves renewables outcompeting nuclear. In less nuclear-committed European countries, the picture is even more stark.

So, as this picture has unfolded, nuclear ‘sustainability’ arguments have retreated through successively undermined claims – that nuclear is necessary; brooks no alternative; es more competitive; uniquely offers to keep the lights on; or is it just a way to do everything(as if this was ever a sensitive response to any challenge, especially one as urgent and existential as climate disruption).

Whatever position one starts from, then, a final question arises: why all the fuss? Why should it be now after all these years (just as its comparative performance becomes so much less favorable) that European efforts become so newly energetic to redefine nuclear as ‘sustainable’? Why is it so difficult to recognize that – as is normal with technologies – nuclear energy is obsolete?

Here, the answer is surprisingly obvious. It is officially confirmed repeatedly in countries working hardest to revive nuclear power – atomic weapons states like the US, France, the UK, Russia and China. Oddly neglected in mainstream energy policy and the media, the picture is especially evident on the defense side. Although skewed public debates leave many unaware, nuclear affections are a military romance. Powerful defense interests – with characteristic secrecy and highly active PR – are mostly driving the dogged persistence.

August 26, 2024 –

Posted by Christina Macpherson | climate change, EUROPE, politics international

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